Sunday, March 18, 2012

Discover All About Male Pattern Baldness and How to Treat it Today ...

Speaking as a youngish man I personally think is a good idea to find out all about male pattern baldness. Looking at the statistics, 4 out of 7 of us males will, at some point in our lives, start going bald.

My theory is ?fore warned is fore armed?. If I know what could happen, well maybe I can do something about it.

There are quite a few factors that can contribute to male pattern baldness including stress, lifestyle choices and genetics. Many men simply put it down to the aging process, put on their hat and go out.

The market for hair regrowth products has escalated into a billion dollar one, which shows just how high the demand for these products has become. Over 45 million American men are suffering with thinning hair and growing foreheads and this simply need not be the case.

These days however there is hope for those who?s comb over isn?t quite doing the trick. Many instances of baldness can be reversed and the fear of becoming bald can be eliminated. Unfortunately if your balding is severe then I am afraid there?s nothing to be done to reverse this situation.

The secret of preventing hair loss and stimulating hair regrowth is first to understand just exactly what is going on and then to be able to pick out the very best product available.

Teenage Balding

Male pattern baldness can begin as early as your late teens and is connected with a powerful sex hormone called dihydrotestosterone or DHT. This is the hormone that means young men need to start shaving in the morning, it?s a facial hair growth promoter but is will also start a process called follicular miniaturisation on your head.

This results in the hair shaft width decreasing over time which means that the hair growing from that shaft becomes thinner until the hair resemble ?peach fuzz? or actually disappears altogether.

Solutions for Hair Regrowth

So it seems unstoppable but there are products available that contain a substance called minoxidil. Originally used as a blood pressure medication it was found that one of the side effects mentioned by patients was thickened hair. A solution was made up and tested on volunteers who applied the solution to their scalp regularly. They experienced a marked increase in hair growth.

There are medications available that are taken orally as a daily supplement that will increase hair growth and they work by inhibiting the work of DHT. When DHT is blocked then the hair follicles do not thin and neither does your hair.

There is a treatment available that takes advantage of both these delivery systems and has a topical lotion that is accompanied with a twice daily supplement.

This product contains beneficial nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, biotin and vitamin B6 all of which are essential in the hair regrowth process and have the added advantage of promoting good health.

Saw palmetto and stinging nettle act as DHT blockers but also provide essential nutritional support for prostate health.


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