Sunday, June 26, 2011

Legitimate Ways to Generate Online Income From Home

If you have looked into the possibilities for making money online there is a strong likelihood that you have come across a number of scams. This begs the question: Which are the real methods for making money online and which are not? If you want to know more, keep reading.

Real - Be a Writer Online

The demand for people capable of writing interesting, informative, but easy-to-read articles for website owners is practically limitless.

If you think this is something that you might be interested in you should try to get some experience first. To this end consider writing a few articles for free at first. These can be your samples and from there it is not difficult to find work on a number of marketing forums or companies that employ freelance writers, such as Demand Studios.

Scam - Link Posting on Google

This is a very popular scam. It usually follows a story-type format detailing how some stay-at-home mother is now raking in $6,000 every month from home just by posting links on Google.

The truth of the matter is that Google AdWords is a rather difficult skill to master. There simply is no easy way of making money by posting links online.

Real - Virtual Assistant

Many business professionals and travelers around the world require a virtual assistant. You would need to find a reputable company with which to work.

Any company that requires you to pay a fee upfront in order to apply should be avoided. If a company implies that you're going to get rich through being a virtual assistant with them should likewise be viewed with caution.

Companies with proven track records and which provide legitimate services are the ones you can concentrate on establishing a real working relationship with.

Real - Freelance Sites

Some legitimate freelance sites would include: eLance,, and Craigslist Gigs. These are all excellent ways for you to make a bit of extra cash. If you have any skills in design, programming, audio/video editing you will surely find some extra income.

On the other hand there are numerous ways to generate an income such as modeling, voice overs, transcription, etc.

Scam - Online Surveys

You are likely to come across this scam that tells you that business require people to provide opinions through completing surveys. Of course this is not untrue however the feedback they require is usually provided in person and not online.

Generally most of the sites that offer this opportunity are really scams. A good indication to look out for is any site that requires you to make some kind of upfront payment for something or other. Avoid these at all costs!

Deciding What is Real and What Isn't

Generally speaking opportunities that appear to be about offering real value for other people while receiving financial compensation for the service rendered are likely to be legitimate.

Remember the adage about things that sound too good to be true? The same applies to making money online. If it suggests overnight wealth, requires little or no work on your part, etc., these are indications of a scam.

Any real opportunity for making money online will require some work. Don't give up or despair however, because there are real ways to make money online and many people around the world do just that.

Ready to start working from home? Download a copy of the FREE report "Thinking of Starting a New Career - Working from Home? " today. It is a concise report I created to to help you get started the right way so that you maximize your chances of business success and profitability. It will save you the hassle of having to stumble through trying to make money from home. Instead, it will set you on the right path from the start to ensure your business success.


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