Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Union of California Taxpayers - Its About Time to Flex Our Muscle

by Jack Lee

jerry435.jpg@!#$%* Governor Brown! What the @!#$# is wrong with you? Why is it... that it always comes down to RAISING our taxes or face cuts to schools and public safety? WHY? WHY? WHY? Why can't you do what we've been asking you to do for years, cut the waste, fraud and abuse! Learn to live within your means just like we do every day!

I can't believe it - this is sheer madness - are you idiots in Sacramento completely deaf to the shrieks and screams from us taxpayers? Every democrat legislator is repeating the same old crapola and I am fed up...raise taxes or face severe cuts in schools and safety! I would think every decent, half-way intelligent democrat would be ashamed of their representation at this point.

It's time ALL taxpayers of this state demand a full accounting by an independent auditing office.

Let's find out where the money is being wasted and fix it!!!! If we're really that broke the State should file bankruptcy, then declare every labor contract null and void. This would be a wholesale salary realignment to pay state salaries in line with the public sector. Prison guards shouldn't be earning a $100k with benenfits!!! This is nuts!

The prison guard union also known as the California Correctional Peace Officers Association (CCPOA) shouldn't be the wealthiest and most influential state employees union. That's wrong and they have extorted their way to salaries above and beyond most sworn officers who are peace officers 24/7, not just while they are on duty. But, I don't want to just single out the CCPOA, they're just one of many entities that have the California taxpayer paying out the kazoo.

The State has been caving in to unions for well over 20 year,s to the point the state employees are among the best paid in the country and virtually exceed private sector salaries at every level. That's not sustainable! Spending our tax dollars like drunks with a credit card is not sustainable either! C'mon Jerry, you and your minions better get on the stick and fix things or we're coming down there and fix you!

If it takes a big, powerful union to get through to our legislators, and it certainly appears it does... then maybe its time we call ourselves a [union] of taxpayers! Maybe we need to march on Sacramento and threaten to go on strike! Hold a picket line, shut down the Capital. Think we will have their full and undivided attention then?

The state legislature has been on a lavish spending spree for too long and it's time we tear up their credit card and put them on a budget. Whatever it takes at this point I am for it!

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