Friday, September 16, 2011


A congenital heart disease is a heart condition where the heart does not function normally or it has an abnormal structure at birth. They can cause death of the fetus before birth. Factors that increase the chances of heart defects include conditions such as turner syndrome, Noonan syndrome and Downs syndrome. Other factors include alcohol and infections contracted by the pregnant mother. Infections are such as rubella and diabetes.

????????? Expectant mothers should take caution with the kind of medication they take especially over the counter drugs. Retinoic acid for the treatment of acne will cause birth defects in the fetus. Other medication that will increase chances of congenital heart diseases include anti depressant and anti seizures such as lexapro, topamax and paxil.?

????????? Expectant mothers are advised to seek proper prenatal care. This includes regular tests, ultrasounds and monitoring of any abnormalities in the heart structure.

????????? Some causes of congenital heart diseases are preventable by change of lifestyle such as quitting smoking and alcohol.?

????????? Background information about family illnesses can be useful because the disease can be genetic.

?A congenital heart disease can be caused by the reduction of oxygen reaching the fetus. This is type is referred to as cyanotic. Some of the most common congenital heart diseases include

Holes in the heart???????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????obstructed blood flow???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????blood vessels with abnormal structure????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Abnormal heart valves

The most common of congenital heart defects is ventricular septal defect. Septal defects are characterized by a hole in the septum. Ventricular septal defect involves one or more holes in the wall separating the right ventricle and the left ventricle. If not corrected it results to heart failure. Surgery is the most preferred option.

The symptoms of these heart defects depend on the particular type. Symptoms may stay for even years before they become noticeable. Most congenital heart diseases are treated through surgery. After surgery it is important to keep safe to avoid infections. Exposure to toxins such as endotoxin after or during surgery can cause complications and recovery will take longer especially for children. Other complications include heart valve problems, heart failure, psychological issues such as anti social behavior and medical commitments like frequent visits to the doctor.

Adults with this kind of disease have to take extra precaution with the physical activities they perform, the kind of jobs they choose to do and maintain good health to avoid heart infections.


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